Tips for Managing Stress

tips for managing stress

In these unprecedented times, we are all adapting on a daily basis to our world and how it has changed. Everyone seems to be feeling more stress; no one seems immune to new challenges faced by living in this pandemic, regardless of personal circumstances. Full time Maui residents and visitors to our island are all seeing a new way of island living as the pandemic has changed how we interact and move around.

Now more than ever, many are embracing methods to boost immunity, increase vitality and improve their wellbeing. In fact, it is a wonderful time to focus on self care and improving one’s lifestyle. If you have already committed to a daily practice of self care, what have you discovered works well in your routine? Self care is different for everyone, but important for all.

Lately I’m hearing many people complain about how they sleep. They don’t sleep through the night, they don’t feel they get deep sleep, they wake up in pain or wake up frequently for other reasons. Hearing people are not getting good sleep will naturally make one think about how they sleep – where they sleep – what type of bed they sleep on – materials, position, comfort, etc. There are many physical factors that can affect quality sleep, in addition to stress and external factors.

Here are some tips for managing stress by ensuring you’re getting proper sleep at night:

  1. Analyze your sleeping positions and determine the best pillow for you, based on the sleeping position you hold the longest and most often. Your second most common sleeping position may also be considered if you sleep about 50/50 in either position.
  2. Check your mattress for signs of old age, wear and tear, etc that may be affecting its performance and ability to properly support your body while you sleep. If you can’t remember when you bought it, or it’s been over a decade, it’s probably time to check our mattress selection for something better!
  3. Consider curtains and incoming light sources – do you have any/many? Upgrade to blackout curtains to help ensure you’re sleeping enough hours. Blackout curtains can be a lifesaver for people working nights who must sleep during the day.
  4. Communicate to your family and household what your needs are. Obviously there are limits to how much you can control or affect how others interrupt your sleep! Yet communication and creating dedicated time for rest for yourself, as well as your family, can be rewarding. As you settle into a pattern that aids your best moods and focus because you’re getting consistently good sleep, everyone in your life benefits!
  5. Avoid eating for an hour or two before bed. Avoid caffeine late in the day as well, which is proven to disrupt sleep.
  6. Some people believe in the benefits of arranging your bedroom furniture in a certain way, following Feng Shui, a practice of arranging pieces in living spaces to create balance.

What helps you get great sleep? Comment on our Facebook page!

Have a great night of sleep!